SHOOTING CLINIC... Designates:  Shooting Instruction Clinic...location and date.

TOURNAMENT...Harlan will be shooting at a tournament during these dates and will not be available for Shooting Instruction Clinic.

OPEN DATES...Designates Calendar dates available for booking  Harlan Campbell Jr. Shooting Instruction Clinic.




Harlan Campbell Jr.

Shooting Clinic Schedule




Jan. 20-21

Sarasota Trap, Skeet & Sporting Clays

3445 Rustic Rd.

Nokomis, Fl 34275


Ron Burdick @ 585-281-9374




Feb. 1-2

Rend Lake Shooting Complex

17738 Conservation LN.

Whittington, IL.


David McCuan @ 608-841-2109

12545 Nixville Rd.

Carrier Mills, IL. 62017




Feb. 8 1-Day clinic Youth / Beginner Shooters

Anthony Fun Club

E. Lake Road

Anthony, KS. 67003

Contact:  Sandra Owen @ 620-842-2182

Sid Burkholder @620-243-3588





Tucson Trap and Skeet

7800 W. Old Ajo Hwy

Tucson, Az. 85735

Contact: Harlan Campbell, Jr. @ 620-376-8787




Feb 19- March 2











Rockingham Gun Club

Mar. 29-30  2-day Clinic

Mar. 31 – Apr. 4  (½) day clinics

8:00 – 12:00 am. And 1:00 – 5:00 pm each day.

Mar. 5-6  2-day Clinic



Rockingham Gun Club

572 Longbranch Rd.

Riedsville, NC. 27320

Contact: Jeff Allen @ 336-816-5948



Apr.10-11 & 12-13

Lower Providence Rod & Gun Club

2857 Egypt Road

Audubon, PA. 19407

Contact:  Dave Comroe @ djcomroe@gmail.com



Apr. 24-25 & 26 -27

Peoria Skeet & Trap Club

1470 Springbay Rd.

East Peoria, IL. 61611

Contact: Mike Dennis @309-253-6592



May 1-2 & 3-4

Verne Higgs Clinic

Sparta Line

Sparta, Ont.

Contact: Verne Higgs @ 519-872-6763



MAY 7 - 8 - 9

Otter Creek Sportsman's Club

9001 Milburn Road

Cedar Rapids, IA. 52411

Contact: Steve Manary @319-981-4455



May 10-11

Wisconsin River Sportsman's Club

Mazomanie, WI. 53560

Contact: Jeff or Karen Recob @800-359-4571



May 12-13 ( Private Clinic)



May 24-25

Fort Worth Trap and Skeet

1064 FM 2871

Fort Worth, TX

Contact: Mike Whitaker @ 847-968-4442

or Steve Bradbury @817-456-7189



June 2-8

Kansas State Shoot



June 10-16 Illinois State Shoot



June 19-20 & 21-22





July 4th Anthony Gun Club 4th. July Shoot



July 5-6 TTSP Doubles Marathon



July 10-13 KTA Southwestern Zone



July 26-27 Kinsley Doubles Marathon



July 30-August 10 Grand American Sparta IL




Stockdale Gun Club

70724 Co Hwy S55

Ackley, IA. 50601


Aug. 14th Stockdale Gun Club 1-day clinic

Aug 15th Stockdale Gun Club 1-day clinic

Aug. 16-17 Stockdale 2- day clinic


Contact: Dale Stockdale @641-648-4458




Aug. 18-24 Heartland Grand American



Sept. 1 Anthony Gun Club, Labor Day Shoot



Sept 8-14 Southwestern Grand American @KTA




Sept. 18-19 & 20-21

TuttleCreek Shooting Park

6364Tuttle Creek Blvd.

Manhattan, KS. 66503

Contact: Rob Taylor @ 785-539-4392



Sept. 25-26 & 27-28

Old Skagit Gun Club

14933 Josh Wilson Rd. Burlington, WA. 98233

Mailing Address: PO Box 925 Burlington WA 98233

Email: pldskgitgunclub@gmail.com

Contact: Eric @  360-202-9200




Oct. 3-4-5 Kansas All Zone Shoot @ KTA



Oct. 16-17 & 18-19

Oak Tree Gun Club

13121 Coltrane Ave.

Newhall, CA. 91321

Contact:Mark Evans @ 818-731-7441





Oct. 23 - 24

Tucson Trap and Skeet

7800 W. Old Ajo Hwy

Tucson, Az. 85735

Contact: Harlan Campbell, Jr. @ 620-376-8787




Oct. 27-Nov. 2 Las Vegas State Shoot



Nov. 5-16 Autumn Grand American, Tucson AZ.
































Email:  stubbleduck1@yahoo.com

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© Harlan Campbell Jr.